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LotR: RotK LE - Orlando Bloom on Fighting
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) - Legolas Slays the Oliphaunt Scene | Movieclip
LotR: TT LE - Prank on Bernard Hill
LOTR cast make fun of Orlando Bloom
LOTR Orlando Bloom breaks bow at end of shoot
The Lord of the Rings - Welcome my Lords to Isengard (HD)
Return of the King: CGI Mumakil Sequence - Orlando Bloom
Viggo Mortensens last day as Aragorn.
Exclusive: Watch Orlando Geek Out Over 'Hobbit' Return
The Lord Of The Rings' Legolas Problem
Lord Of The Rings Return Of The King (2003) - Legolas - Orlando Bloom
LOTR Fellowship of the Ring DVD Orlando Bloom Featurette